DEXMIN is committed to supporting the communities in which it operates, by focusing on initiatives tailored towards conservation as well as health and education. The Board continues to have a good balance of skills and experience and works very effectively incorporating robust challenge with a high degree of mutual respect and trust. The Board's gender balance has improved with a majority of women on the Board.
DEXMIN's policy is that no employee or job applicant will be treated less favourably on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender (including gender reassignment), pregnancy, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age or disability, or on any other grounds which cannot be justified on job related terms. We do not discriminate on grounds of age, gender or background, and we are committed to equality within our business and in our dealings with other organisations. These policy principles are supported by our Code of Conduct.
DEXMIN's Board is committed to achieving diversity in the widest sense. We ensure that briefs to external recruitment agencies and search consultants are aimed at improving diversity ratios and balance both at Board and senior management level and more widely within the invested businesses, while also reflecting the changing strategic needs of the Group. We will continue to support positively opportunities for talented individuals regardless of gender, ethnicity, age or social background.
DEXMIN's Board receives regular updates from the Company Secretary on legislation and proposed consultations which may affect the Company's legal and regulatory obligations, including proposals to reform corporate governance. It ensured that governance structures remained appropriate, or where necessary, updated, to reflect the business and global market in which DEXMIN operates. Any material exposures to economic, environmental and social sustainability risks, and how the company manages those risks, are disclosed in the Operating and Financial Review.
As part of its annual review, the Board continues to consider Board succession. The Board's succession plan is focused on continually identifying suitable candidates for future appointment to the Board, having regard to the Board's current skills mix and desirable future skills, to ensure that Board remains proactive and renewal occurs in an orderly manner over time. The Board has established policies for the oversight and management of material business risks and internal controls.
The Board oversee the policies, internal controls and procedures that the company uses to identify business risks and ensure compliance with relevant regulatory and legal requirements. The design and implementation of the risk management and internal control systems to manage the company's material business risks is the responsibility of management. Formal risk reporting is provided to the Board on an ongoing basis. Risk assessments are performed for individual material projects, capital expenditure, monetary instruments, financial products and country risks as required.
DEXMIN recognises the importance of communications with shareholders. Presentations are made to both existing and prospective institutional shareholders, principally after the release of the interim and annual results. The Board is kept informed of the views of shareholders through the executive Directors' attendance at investor presentations and results presentations. Furthermore, relevant feedback from such meetings, investor relations reports and brokers notes are provided to the entire Board on a regular basis.